Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015

Chemical Engineering? What is that?

I began to ask my self, "why I choose this major? wheares I dont know anymore about the field study or ya all of about that". okay let it go.... -_-

peoples around of me, if they asked me the same question. "mau lanjut kemana? sudah ketrima dimana?"...#eh wait, this is my play back #2011. I answered "Teknik Kimia Universitas Brawijaya" proudly I answered it. but, dont you know? They pointed that my major was so cool. What does 'cool' mean? I dont know. and some of them said "woooaaaaww, Great, semoga kamu dikuatkan nak". well, I began to know when I got the first course, #I forget, first course or what!. I attended a Introduction of Chemical Engineering course. That way, I was sure what field I would want to pursue and I knew what I always wanted to do. Hemmmm.... If you dont introduce all the thing to your brain, you'll not know anymore about that. #ya iya laah -__________-

so many field in chemical engineering..........

to be continued..i'm sleepy right now, so sorry :)

Jumat, 28 Agustus 2015

so noisy :D

That morning, suddenly, I had notification on my cell phone, and "what is that? what does the writer mean?", "maybe, she is on wrong decision..but wait!, i'll try to confirm her". oh, actually, its true. Ok no problem. do you know how about?, I'd be asked to be a mentor for Junior High School, but how this could happen? oke thats not big or meaningless problem :), just enjoy it, thats way for go away from a boring condition. hehe

Friday, 10:30am, I arrived at the location, SMP BSS, whaooo, so noisy :D. yeeaah. along the side, children run around and around, I've waited for about 30 min, but, no notification, I tried to send a massage. Alhamdulillah. "oh iya mbak, mbak afida lurus aja nanti ketemu gedung baru, masuk aja, tunggu di lobi ya mbak". oke, I went to there directly. several minutes for waiting, and "mbak afida ya, pemateri keputrian?" heu, I thought for a moment, "mentor=pemateri keputrian=large class???" glek, I could imagine it. "mbak ngisi kelas sembilan ya, silahkan masuk ke kelas".

"bu guru datang, bu guru datang.......", student said.
"hey tadi basket ball BSS kalaah, ahh ga asyik", another student said
"eh eh, tau gak... bla bla... bla....", another students said
"heeey.... kamu kok gitu sih", another students said
"diem kamuuu, huuh.....", another students said

it looked so crowded, whereas only about 15 students in the class, can you imagine? huft, I tried to break the noisy, hehe

"ssssttt, anak anak, ayo duduk di tempat duduk masing masing, kalau masih ramai, Ibu tidak akan memulai mata pelajaran", mata pelajaran? I didn't know lah :v.....
"heeyyy anak anak jangan ramee yaaa..."
"heh rek ojo rame aeeee, ssssttttttttttttt" another student said. Alhamdulillah :)

"Assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh"

"Waalaikumussalam warohmatullahiwabarokatuh" All the students answered my a happy I am.. :3.

"oke, perkenalan dulu ya adek, adek... nama kakak Afida Khofsoh, lulus dari fakultas teknik universitas brawijaya.. kakak..."

Tok..tok..."Assalamualaikum bu guru" another students had just come..... and theeen..... the class was noisy 'again'......

"ssssttt, anak anak, ayo duduk di tempat duduk masing masing, hayo jangan rame...."
"heeyyy anak anak jangan ramee yaaa..."
"heh rek ojo rame aeeee, ssssttttttttttttt" another student said. Alhamdulillah :)

"Kakak ulangi yaa... Assalamualaikum wr wb,,,,,,"

Tok..tok..."Assalamualaikum bu guru" another students had just come..... and theeen..... the class was noisy 'again'......

"ssssttt, anak anak, ayo duduk di tempat duduk masing masing, hayo jangan rame...."
"heeyyy anak anak jangan ramee yaaa..."
"heh rek ojo rame aeeee, ssssttttttttttttt" another student said. Alhamdulillah :)

"buu..... gak kedengeran..."another student said.. oh my sound...
"mangkanya jangan rame sendiri yaa.. temen-temennya nnti ga kedengeran..."

"heh rek ojo rame aeeee talaaaaaahhhhh, ssssttttttttttttt" another student said. :D

That was happened more than 3 times, i couldn't realize...hahaha....
and then... alhamdulillah the class can be controlled.. huffft..... but actually have beeb noisy along the courses.

Its my greet esxperience. I can feel and see if I become a teacher :v in junior high school.. it will definitely spend my voice.... :) :) :D